I bought a Samsung Microwave Oven in Delhi some time in the year of 1997. this was a very basic model as at that time there were hardly any models were available. This oven do not have any frills like rotisserie, grill etc. but it says 3D wave technology (no idea whats that).
The oven performed the basic job smoothly all these years and absolutely no problem found. After I moved to Hyderabad, I found that ants love to make their home inside the oven but still the performance was excellent.
Now after so many years of service some strange thing has happened to the oven. i.e. inside the oven there is a circular depressed area where the glass turn table rotates. My wife while cleaning inside suddenly noticed that crack has started developing on the circumference of the turntable depressed area. There is absolutely no stain or rust anywhere.
The funny situation is that I have informed this to SAMSUNG service over website giving my preferred time and address for a probable solution of this problem (nothing happened). I called up SAMSUNG service twice at 1600 - 110 -011, promptly the call was picked up by a VOICE operated machine saying that the call will be recorded and was forwarded to one of the customer service fellow (available and both the times different people picked up the call). I narrated the whole story and I was made to wait (probably they were feeding data in computer). The moment (both the time) customer service fellow started speaking the phone got disconnected that means again I have to dial the number narrate the whole story, give my telephone number addresses etc...and followed by a disconnection.
I wonder what type of quality of SERVICE SAMSUNG will provide when after recording the voice they can not rectify their phone problem or it may be that time is allotted per person (do service center people make stories or chat?)
Now I am waiting for SAMSUNG fellow to call up my residence and probably I will get service.