I purchased this mobile one month ago. Not only is it one of the best cdma handsets, it offers excellent value for money. After searching many handsets, i finally came across this one which had all features for a good price. Its usp is its outstanding display features and excellent utilties packed with entertainment - right from fm to mp3 to camera. It even has very nice ringtones.
The only thing it lacks is perhaps profile feature and hence doesnt allow user to switch between silent mode and ringer on one touch. Also when using rworld it has a tendency to hang and doesnt even switch off, so have to reload battery.
The camera quality is decent. In fact once transferred to pc, the pictures appear better looking and are almost as good in quality as any digital cam. even video quality is fine. Having an expandable memory makes it easy to store as many pictures and songs as you want. I love this handset as it best fits my pocket, figuratively and literally!