Hello, I am neeraj and have very bad experienced with this laptop. I want to say this laptop is not very user friendly. As we all know Samsung is very professional and great brand but if we discuss about laptops Samsung is just backward. Laptop have many problems if you used it once after some time you know that this laptop is not best. It is totally dissatisfied for me to buy this laptop. Laptop is hanged sometimes, screen is also create some problems sometimes. Touch pad is also very hard and dull to operate. Screen is also not high definition. User satisfaction is got bad in this laptop. must say this laptops price is very high. It is no for value of money. You can try more other laptops in this same price.
you cant even listen audio properly. this laptop disconnects wifi randomly.battery life of laptop is also not upto mark. have poor experience with this laptop. it is not user friendly product please do not buy. within three months only the keyboard of laptop got problem. for me this laptop was not so reliable and it has very poor level of Satistactl On for me. It has Value for money total wastage of money so do not buy. l am very disappointed by Samsung.