This is a pretty new model Samsung, so it wasnt cheap, but I have been pretty happy with it so far. Its slim, stylish, easy to use and has a 2.0 MP camera, which a lot of its price range competitors dont.
Im not sure where the first reviewer bought his phone, but my box came with the PC suite software as well as a USB cord, although the blue tooth is also pretty fast, so I usually just use that to upload files from my computer. I do agree that the user manual is pretty flimsy, however.
The cons: the back panel(covering the battery and sim card) is really stiff and difficult to slide on/off. After I bought the phone, I wasnt able to open the back for several hours, and I almost returned it because of this. It is a little smoother now, but should still be noted. Also, while not a huge games person myself, all the games included with the phone are demos and only allow a few minutes of playing time before asking you to buy. Its a bit cheap of Samsung and they should have at least included 2 or 3 games for free with the phone.
In hindsight I still like Nokias software and interface better than Samsungs but you wont find a comparable Nokia for this price until the new 2700 comes out(which I was originally waiting for but then caved). But otherwise I have been very impressed with the S3310 and would definitely recommend it.