Originally had a Samsung xcover1, bought excover2 as an upgrade(both off eBay unlocked),
I already assumed there was going to be apps I wouldnt use on it so not a problem so installed a reasonable maintenance app(360) and run it often, moved everything I could storage wise to external card, mainly installed apps that sat on the external card.
Bought after market 2450mAh batteries as from experience with xcover1 the Samsung battery can be almost half that of aftermarket capacity ones. fore warned fore armed as it was. now the reasons I use this phone. I wanted a fairly simple phone I can change batteries on, make calls, take pictures/video, was weather resistant and ran GPS apps. this is what this does(for me) very well. I use a gps app called "maverick" that is excellent for my bush-walking/hiking and it uses the two GPS and GLONASS systems at once so in the majority of open areas I get up to 14+sat and in most of the city and gully/canyon areas hardly less than 2, being able to change batteries is good as running the GPS chews power so I swap out batteries and recharge flat ones separately off a power bank/solar on long multi day walks or simply carry 2 extra high capacity batteries for a 1 day walk. in essence I use it more as a gps(60%) and less as a mobile, as others have said its not a fancy, bling phone that is good to show off to others but its fairly good to take outdoors in all weathers.