Thanks for stopping by. Comments will be awaited.
Well, in case you are wondering that you have pressed the PgDn key, please wait. You are at the right place & you are reading a review that is a product of inspiration and application.
Inspiration is something I always derive because as long as MS is there, I'd always have to come across great writers like Premjit, Spookay, GaneshB, fatcat etc. and so I decide to write.
Application is what I do when I have to put the alien words, that I choose from TOI, somewhere so that it proves to be useful cracking GRE later.
So you see, this review is totally a time pass review and so if some of you want to discontinue reading from here, Please re-read the first line and do the needful. For those totally free-lowlife-out-of-work MSians, thank you for your patience and please keep it until my parochial and elusive review is over. I had to write about some product, but on what? said I, to my alter ego. Suddenly, A polyphonic cacophony was heard and I saw it was my attractive sleek Samsung SCH N191 ringing as if heralding its grandeur. (It's totally a different and a sad truth that the network it struts is of Reliance Infocomm)
Wow! Said my ego. Pssst…My ego and me are best of friends. So I always listen to it when someone eyes at me as if I was an unbranded calf or a deserted scrawny abhorred puppy loitering around seeking for spilled milk. Not more than often, this usually happens when I'm out hanging with my pals in some café or street side. Earlier, I had my hand housing a 500 gm protruding antenna
NOKIA 5510(I hope the model is right, cause I don’t really remember it correctly provided for the fact that it's considered ancient now.) Every Time that hulk hogan rang, I went dull due to embarrassment and wished that some airplane appears over the sky and the sound of my phone blends with it.
But as destiny started favoring me, I latched on to a superb Samsung model. The main features that caught me on the first sight were obviously its looks, its weight and the overall appearance and thus that little vermin behooved me to buy it. Whenever Young blokes go to buy an oomph mobile phone, what else do they look for? Of course the three parameters I just listed. While this is only applicable if you have one side of your trouser pocket to be heavily attracted to the gravitational force. This would happen only if you have 10, 000 INR to be in one of your pant pockets. Please, I am not going to critically analyze the phone cause if I do so, our dear MSian ''just-did-it'' would have nothing left to do. :)
Sleek ''oomph'' features:
# Backlight: Well, when you have such a gaunt phone, The blue colour back light matches pertinantly and I like blue and we should all like blue. (Our Indian Cricket Team has a blue uniform). You have options to let the backlight coruscate for 7, 15, 30 seconds or you can also make it stay on as long as the phone is on. You can also change the contrast of the light.
# Contours: The contours are very much curvaceous with the finest finish. You can just trace your finger over it and go on and on.
#Color: the posterior part and the side faces of the phone bear a white color finish and the rest harbors a silver color delicate flap which can be changed according to the user's wish.
#Weight: Just 84 gms. Now people like me who have used NOKIA 5510 before don’t have to hide this phone like in the previous instance.
# Ring tones: It has 30 in built ring tones but the sad face of it that one can download only 3 rings.
# Organizer: This feature strikes well with individuals who are busy but can't afford to keep a personal secretary to alarm about the meetings and schedules. It includes the ''to-do list'', ''count-down'', ''world -time'', ''calculator'', ''alarm'' and I think it's pretty useful.
Now that you know some striking feature of this cute little phone, please see the following conversation:
(Sumit enters stage)
Me: Hey Christina, when can we meet? We haven't met for days.You don't know how worried and thirsty I am. What? No! No!I didn't mean lusty. I said I was thirsty and wanted to meet you to quench my thirst to see you. Ok bye! See you tonite. Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh..!!!!
(Exits stage. Dreams about christina. Wakes up suddenly due to the splash of water. Sees whom? Sees Daddy the dearest.)
Daddy: $#^#@.!@.#$##!@.^**(%$%#@.
(Daddy exits stage. Strange sounds of woes and pains)
If you don’t want yourself to be in a position as I was, This phone has a ''Voice-Privacy'' option that allows you to whisper in a quiescent manner as if some 15 yr. old teen is taking the voyeuristic pleasure of watching an ''oomph'' movie alone without letting anyone know.
Let-down features:
# SMS: limited to just 140 characters. This is a strict No-No for young guys who cant complete their thoughts in 140 characters.
# Battery: Although the 800mAh Li-ion battery is very light but it discharged quickly and the phone gets hot when talks exceed 20 minutes at a single go.
# Moolah: ranges from 13, 000 Rs. to a value that I don’t really know.:)) But yes, it's around 13, 000. User-discretion is recommended.
Well, this is it. Your pester session is over and you'll soon find yourself in the comments section wanting to cavil your tirade on my pesky and plaguey review. I am glad that you will do so but hey if you are on a prowl to palliate the mockery forced on you due to that grotesque NOKIA 5510, this one is the ammunition to out play your social superiors!!! What say???