Well, I have been proud owner of Samsung C-100 for more than 6 months now. I have trashed my old motorola mobile to get this new one. I bought it at 8000/-, but now it is cheaper and is available for around (or less than) 6000 Rs.
This model has caught my attention at the first sight. This has lots of nice features packed in it.. Following is the summary
- Lightweight: Its so light, that you dont realize in which pocket you have kept it.
Yes, I am not exaggerating.
- Decent Interface: I find the looks and keys layout best in this, there is ample
space between keys and easy to use.
- Brilliant colors: ITs resolution is very high (64K colors), and the still pictures and
animated wallpapers look amazing.
Sound clarity: Voice is very clear, at least as compared to my old motorola.
Nice ring tones: It has vast collection of polyphonic ring tones. If frequently use it
to catch attention of my 7 month old daughter, and she enjoys ;)
- WAP/GPRS/IR Port etc etc
Well.. there are no major limitations, but I am not happy with following
Response time: While browsing through menus, at times (most of the times) it takes about 1-2 seconds to display a screen. This is too much time and is annoying.
Using IR port is not easy.. you have to install some s/w etc etc. I have still not used it because its not easy....
Battery life: Well it gives backup of 2 - 2.5 days if you dont use games etc, other wise it does not have good battery life. (less than corresponding nokia models)
At at the end.... This is beautiful mobile, but many people use covers and kills the looks... Dont cover it.... let the beautiful body be exposed to public...