Hi all...
I am a regular visitor to mouthshut...but I might be counted among the laziest members here...this is my first review ever (though I registered some 4 months back).
Lemme get back to my review quickly...
After contemplating a lot about which cell phone I should buy...I finally got Samsung c100...it was love at first sight I must say...I had two options in mind ...sony erricson t230 and samsung c100. But my first look at it...and I was just head over heels over this beauty.
Though Erricson t230 would score over samsung c100 when it comes to features and accessories (they say t230 accessories are a tad cheaper), samsung c100 has more than enough to boast about.
First of all the design...its sleek and amazingly light...just 76 grams...the dispaly is one of the best you will find in any cell phone...65k colors....and the wall papers look as stunning as u can imagine....
The signal reception is good..standby time is great too...the phone has infra red port...and u can downlaod stuff from ur pc with utmost ease....then its the polyphonic ringtones...40 of them...with some exceptioanlly good ones: the cats meow and the horses tones are quite funny and catchy...
The keypad is quite user friendly...though not as great as that of a nokia phone... but it takes just a few moments to get accustomed to it...and then it works out just great.
It doesnt have mms capability ..but itll be long before mms finds popularity among users... so no worries...
With a price tag of 6.8k, this phone is one of its kind in the market. Its got the looks and it will surely command attention...from one and all.....
My suggestion: just go for it. Its a thing of beauty.