1st a bit of background...I had a siemens SL-45 (the best fone ive ever had) which got stolen from a ATM in Delhi (How coluld I lose this baby:-( )
that too when the month was near its end.....so with my limited month-end budget, I bough t a Sony Ercsson T-100.............now that set was a pretty good 1 except for the reception n voice quality (now if a fone doesnt have good reception n voice clarity, it, more like a gimmicky piecof plastic, isnt it?)
SO I sold it off to a poor unsuspecting creature........
And got myself a Samsung C-100...now ive always been sceptical of samsung fones (like I had seen a friend buyin a hi-end Blue-i which didnt even have basic dfeatures delivery reciept for sms, or another samsung set which would get back to the write msg menu even if the msg u were tryin 2 send had failed and ud have to retype the entire msg)
But im pleased 2 say this fone has proved me wrong..welll almost!...
Build Quality: Looks solid, built solid
Ergonomics: Soft keys that are quite handy when u want to typre smses real fast. Th up-cursor key is a little inconvenient though as u cant reach for it easily.
Bugs & Glitches: Hmmm...seems samsiung was in a ah hurry to launch this fone. the older C-100s have a firmware/Software problem.
.the fone worked fine when I bought it, but after using it for a few weeks, the reception started giving me trouble as calls would die in the middle even in a full reception area, or a call wouldnt get disconnected eben on pressing No repeatedly. I talked to my dealer who asked me to take the set to Samsung service centre for a Software upgrade. AFter the upgrade, the fone is working fine
IMPORTANT piece of advice check the firware version on your fone before buying by pressing *#9999# after inserting a SIM. The phone will display the firmware version which should be higher than 01.65, if it 01.64 or lower, ask for a diffferent set/go to another dealer...Mine shows 01.65.AS after uppgrade....
Service quality: Was a verrry bad experience...When I took my set to the service centre, they refused to service it as it wasnt an authorized Samsung India set as per their records...All this when I showed them my stamped Samsung India warranty card and Authorized dealer bill....Their logic was their records showed the Serial no on this fone to be fone that was shipped to the Nederlands....I had to call u0p my dealer and ask him to fax the import challan to the samsung sevice guys...Then they took a week to upgrade the fone....My question to Samsung is how on earth is their cusatomer supposed to know if a fone was shipped to India or Timbuktu for aLL THAT I care.....As long as a customer produces a stamped warranty and bill!!!!!!
Samsung customer care Sux....BIG TIME....First they sold me a fone with defective fiirmware (apparently all fones in that batch had this problem), then they refuse to rpair it on bloody flimsy grounds....
-gr8 screen with lifelike color
-can run java midlets(though I still miss my siemens on which I cld directly upload midlets frm a PC whereas this 1 supports only Over-The-Air downloads)
-excellent polyphony implementation
-good reception and voice quality
-u can download ur own pics to use them as wallpapers
has a very convenient. scheduler, has some good games, support java game d/ls
got a decents phonebook memory+ 50 sms memory in fone too....
T9-pity u cant add custom words to the t9 dict unlike other non-samsung fones
all in all, a gr8 value for money set...couldnt have got a better set for 8K
If only Samsung can spruce up their customer services