I would like to share my views on the Samsung C230. Im not a big fan of Samsung but I still brought this phone coz of its looks and features. This phone is priced decently at around 5k when I brought 6 months back and has a good feature set.
Its has MMS, 65k color display, large phone book, good ringtone collection, gprs, stereo Fm and IR port.
Pros : The first thing that strikes are the looks. It looks really greats and sleek. Also has a good feature set as mentioned above. Voice clarity is good so is the FM reception, Excellent color display.
Cons : Surprisingly some common features are not present. Firstly the IR port is useless coz it cant connect to anything. It is supposed to be useful to transfer contacts but... . Reminders features is missing and is sorely missed. Also words cannot be added at will while in the text mode. Software is really slow and will irritate u if ur in a hurry. Though the keypad and the phone looks sleek, the keypad is pretty cramped and not soft enough, especially for those with larger fingers. The FM reception is decent thoughthe volume varies when on the move.
Would I reccomend people to buy this phone? I dont think so. Main drawbacks are really slow interface, cramped keypad, no reminders and useless IR port. I heard there is no data cable for this phone so...