I have a horrible experience with this model of samsung and their after sales service. I bought a C230 in February06 and within 2.5 months I discovered that its earphone is not working and getting disconnected whenever I tried to listen to FM. I went to the service shop and they changed the earphone. Next day again the problem start coimng. So I deposited again it with them. After a day or two I called & came to know that my set isready to take back and I went there only to find that they have done nothing to my set. I shouted over them a bit and again left the phone to do something. After 8-10 days when I again enquired whether I can have my phone back only to listen that it is of a socket problem and they do not hav eany socket at that momeny & I need to wait (God knows for how long time). I was furious as this is something on which I depend a lot and my phone is not with me. So I rang up their head office and had a real fight with their higher officials who then promised me to make it by 1-2 days time. After that, they do returned me the set but meanwhile they have changed its look into the most shabby one (while my phone was of only 2-3 months old). Agin I ghad to howl at them and again they took it back and lastly changed my battery and wrote on the purchase voucher about the transfer of warranty period of the battery. I got the phone back with me ultimately in june06. And now from last 3 days agin I had to give that back for servicing because agin the earphone is not working. So you can think of the harrassment I have faced and am facing still now. just imagine that when my warranty period goes off, how much extra money I shall have to dedicate behind it? God kows when this time I shall get back this in running condition.