My baby!i lost her about 10 days ago and this is my ode to her!
time we shared together...and d explicit msgs she so gladly saved for me (all 250 of em!!) will never b forgoten...sniff..sniff!
firstly d cost benifit analysis is really favourable. consider this u get a color screen far better than comparables in fact I felt I was lookin at BnW when I held othr phs esp nokia (now im using d damn thing!)
also d one touch FM shortcut key is one useful feature for ppl like me who constantly hav to change channels and sms etc. then thrs d cute external volume cntl again v. ergonomically designed.
also she stores 250 msgs!i totally didnt expect it for d price.
u can set these cute grahics like a danger sign..or a buddy icon...n d hearts routine for different callers.
also she has iRda...infrared to transfer pics and sounds...i didnt get to try it though lost her before I could!
then thrs voice memos I used them more like mini one-liner diary!
oh n there rainbow dialing!which is essentially nothin but the digits when u dial appear in different rainbow like colors!..funny..i know..thts how d salesguy n I bonded ;-)!
but yeah but once I changed my sim and I jus cudnt transfer my memory from sim to ph! after doing it manualy for some 25 contacts..k fine 50...i realised she was mixing d names and no.s...mayb it was more human error...dunno.
so uget all this and that sexy lil body and ofcourse u get d handsfree with it for a steal price og MRP 5500. I got all this for 5, 400/- and d latest ive heard the price has come down to 4, 900/- now.
I sorely miss her! we had a good time together...i love u baby...i know ul bring joy wherever u go hon.. I hope ur new lover is taking good care of you sweety!! miss u.. tc