Hi to all c230 users and wannabes,
now that I have used this handset for a substantial period I would like to point on to some of its pros and cons.
the best part of the phone is its size, looks and a great display resolution.
no nokia phone could turn up such a display for around 5000 bucks.speaking about fm its more than worth (only when you using it in open spaces and with earphones on).
also you can store multiple nos. for a single identity hence no need to pile up the nos.. this feature is seen only sony ericson phones at such low end. sms and phone book memory is great.
but now over with talking all goodies. the phone really struggles when it comes to operating speed. just have to wait for ages to get the phone unlocked. no shortcut access to phonebook possible hence one has to get into it all the way sequentially. this I really frustating for the ones who are used to with nokia handsets. also no option to copy nos. from phone to sim and vice versa. hence number transfers not possible at all and send to many option for messages is not available.
about the radio; reception quality gets pathetic when travelling and even while stationary you need to adjust the antenna (earphone wire) and the phone position frequently. reception of 93.5 and 93.5 is crystal clear but getting the rest of channels to audibilty is a tremendous task. also the volume on speaker phone mode is not that great and to swap through channels you have to use the handset only, not possible by the mic button.
the charger port cover feels too delicate and the body plastic doesnt make a great fit and crackles when pressing on to the bottom keys.
as the usb port and charger port is same, you cannot remain connected to a pc beyond the battery life.
ir port doesnt work but I have no regrets as samsung didnt boast about it anyway. what remains to be seen is the gprs on pc mode. no yet possible as being a new model usb cable and software not available yet even with samsung. I hope with gprs class 10 should be working as good as the nokia high end models.