Well what to say about Samsung D900i. Where to start from, how to start…It’s the worst phone I have come across. I had MotoRazr V3i earlier. That time I used to think I don’t have phone up to the mark but I was wrong. V3i is much better than Samsung D900i…NEXT is What?…huh…NEXT is dip in sales, NEXT is urs (samsung’s) worst awaiting. NEXT is WORST…(Feel like punching the person who has designed)
Below are the countless cons of this worst mobile –
1) No Indication of ‘battery is fully charged’ when kept for charging
2) Battery lasts only for 1-2 days! (V3i battery used to last 4-5 days !!!! considering all – talking, taking pics…etc…)
3) All Photos/Videos/Voice/Sounds, by default gets saved in phone memory (horrible !!1)(that means I have to transfer it every time the phone memory is full. And Phone memory allocated for Photos/Videos/Voice/Sounds is hardly any)
4) The woe doesn’t end here…fine, the phone memory is full than transfer all photos/videos….bla bla to memory card……….no u cant do that easily!!!…coz suppose u clicked a pic name ‘picture 55’ and transfer it to memory card coz ur phone memory is full, than when u click again, the new pic gets saved as ‘picture 55’ and now…again if u want to transfer coz ur phone memory is full , the memory card wont accept!!…coz of same name!!!….that means u have to change pic name and than transfer !!!!!!!!!! (just imagine if u have many pics)…zzzzz..
5) THE WORST THING – u cant view pics normally like u do in phone memory…i.e. u can only view thumbnails of pics in memory card !!! …u have to go thru the process of back and forth to view it ….!!! Phew!!!…zzzzz..same applies for videos….THAN What’s the HELL USE of Memory Card…Bloody, I can transfer my stuff directly to my PC…(god knows who’s the guy behind making this phone)
6) U cant view pics while listening to songs ( and I guess also while also using GPRS) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7) No Slide-show option for ‘Downloaded pictures’!!! (why???!!)
8) No extra message tone (can be used/downloaded) expect the one provided (only 4 mssg tones that to bloody silly ones)!!!!!!!
9) No Themes…only 2 skins (Back and while)…(grrrr…like black n white TV !!!)
10) No option for cut/copy/paste while typing a mssg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (V3i had this option)
11) Can send SMS only to limited number of people at one time !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unlike other phones)
12) No option for storing page/images while using GPRS !!!!!!!!!!! (its sucks…V3i had this option)…13) u cant name radio stations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14) U cant open phone/contact book while talking…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (atleast I cudnt do that !!!)…that means u cant give contact no. to the one ur speaking to….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15) Left side-key is for controlling key-pad tones….hello….it shud be for controlling ringtone volume….isn’t it?!!!!!!!! Bloody hell
16) Right side key is for taking photos….bloody….no it just takes u to the menu and than from there u have to choose ‘take pictures’……………bloody cheaters!!!!!!
17) Taking photo..?????……sleep…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 5 secs to take a pic!!!!!!!!! (coz of that I have never got best shot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
18) Limited options to choose for shortcuts….
19) Complex Menu (rather vvvvvvvvvvvvvv complex)
20) FDN contactS (I have intentionally written big ‘s’ in contacts coz the way they say FDN contacts as if u can store many……no…..only 1 !!!!!!!!!!…..and hello whats FDN.
21) Have u seen its manual………….is it manual?
22) U can put ‘underscore directly while writing mssg’ !!!! u have to press some bloody keys for that…same for other imp ‘signs’………..it really sucks!!!!
The list is really endless….no use in wasting time writing abt this ba# phone……..PLS don’t buy this phone…u will regret !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!