I just happened to buy this phone as it was good looking. It was more of an impulse buying.....
This is my first Non Nokia phone....
Nokia is the most preferred brand in India(as per my experience). Its an established brand just like Maruti Suzuki in India... People tend to go by the Goodwill the brand has, and refuse to look around... And no doubt, word of mouth has a better effect anywhere in the world....
I bought this phone in the month of December 07... Three days after I bought it, I lost the it and I was very upset... Just imagine, you buy a new phone; three days & poof its gone!!! What would you do if it was any other phone (nokia, motorola...)??? You curse yr fate and fret over it???
And you wont believe, I got it back after twenty days (ofcouse some bloke had flicked it) and the moment he inserted his sim card, two of my friends got a notification. It had the persons contact number... Bingo!!! I got my phone back... Thanks to the amazing mobile tracking facility provided by Samsung. I was very happy.. The only other phone that offers this facility is LG.
Yes, this phone pampers you to leave it wherever you go; and helps those people who are bullakkad (a hindi term for a person who frequently forgets...But again, one cant always be lucky).
The phone has a built in memory of 20MB and I find it quite ok, coz anyone who buys a phone would naturally go in for a memory card if you need to listen to songs all the while....
The features are good; however, it would have been happy if the phone had a louder ringing volume (which can be overcome if you have yr fav music as yr ring tone- which most people do).
The software is clearly hassle free and three months I didnt find any issues with it at all....
The video coverage yes, is two mins only. But, if u really wanna video coverage, youd buy a handycam and complain the mobile doesnt have more of it. (though some models have video coverage feature with abundance
This is quite an impressive mobile phone, it costs about 7k which I believe is quite ok for a normal user. I wouldnt say its a cheap phone as I own it ....*