*Now iam wriitn about samsung x210 same as samsung x200 but its add on is jus a FM .Speaking on FM its
really good so after taking FM option apart this phone is gr8 in looks with limited features I bought this phone sep 2006 with Rs4500 but better to go to Motorola C168 whoch comes around 3k. This phone missed a basic feature trasfrer of phonebook Phone to SIM and SIM to Phone like we can transer one by one not all which means if we want to transer 250 contacts from SIM to phone we have to transfer each one individually 250 times Coming to the battery 1 day tats all.
But charging is really quick 1 hr phone gets completely charged .SOund clarity is wonderful .Display is top. But before buying check all the phones and also infrared port does not support data download from one phone to another- its only for transfer of contacts to and fro from the computer/laptop, It has no MP3 support......Better go with other phone than this....................