This was probably the worst customer experience I had till date.
i wanted a phone that would be basic at the same time good-loking, sleek and sexy.
samsung c170 attratcted me on the first sight.
i was glad that I could make a good deal and a great phone was in my pocket and nobody even could make out that I was carrying a phone in my pocket - so sleek. the FM was also good.
The honey moon ended within a week.
It sarted shutting down while I was speaking after every couple of minutes.
i ran to the service center - they told me to come after 2 days. I went after 4 days, got back my phone and while on my way found that the problem was there.
Back to the service center, and got back my cell exactly after 2 months. The problem was still there though they sadi they had replaced the complete circuit.
Now it is lying at the service center, and I am without any hope of getting it repaired though being within the warranty period.
name of service center: samsung plaza, BTM layout, BANGALORE
Name of the manager: Arun