I purchase this 3D Tv approax 3 year. And in this 3 year we never faced any peoblem. It was Cool and expensive TV that time.Its brand shows its quality.
Samung is a leading company in market about dispay and clearity.We liked this company 3D concept its USER FRIENDLY any one can easily use it.
It support all types of video like Mp4, HD and avi. In this you can switch 2D into 3D just doing a single click this features makes it user friendly.
Its conatins 2 usb port and 2 HDMI port, 1 ear phone port also.And this TV speaker is awsm. Audio full clear.This product is value of money and its video quality is super duper hit. And the warrnty is also good. Till we didnt face any problem
Thnks for reading about this product its too good buy it guys