Other highlights not mentioned on the official description (and worth noting) are
This camera has won the TIPA (Technical Image Press Association) award for Best Compact Camera for the year 1999-2000. The TIPA Awards are recognised as the Oscars of the photography industry. Only the very innovative products are taken into consideration for the awards, which is why they are considered the most prestigious.
The lens is worth noting - its a Schneider-Krueznach Varioplan, and not just any other piece of glass/plastic.
Its been rated at 4 and half stars (out of 5) by Better Photography (leading South Asian mag in this category).
Thats enough of theoretical/technical stuff.
While buying a compact camera (popularly called Point & Shoot camera) you should definitely hold the camera in your hand and get a feel of it. Try to see where the buttons are and if you are comfortable with the layout.
Most users use such P&S cameras as an auto everything camera, and this one performs very well in this category.
You will note that this camera has MANY options provided. But then you read the manual, and you will figure out what you need - probably just 2 or 3 options for regular picture taking, and then its all smooth sailing from there.
Other than the regular red eye reduction and timed release options, you also have Landscape and B options, which is wonderful.
The Tele and Wide buttons are a wee bit small, which might definitely trouble few of us who are not so nimble and like bigger buttons. Definitely the Pentax P&S buttons are more user friendly than this one.
Is it costly? I got a used one (actually it was an unused gift the person didnt want, but no guarantee papers) overseas, so it worked out very economical. I think its list price was around Rs.14, 000 last year (should probably be less now). It works on a CR123A battery, which I get easily from the local Burma Bazar for around Rs. 250, and this lasts me for more than a year!
So, you have yourself an award winning camera. Does that mean you get award (or accolades) winning pictures? Somebody put it very aptly that the camera is just a light-proof box, and what is most important is the person behind the lens. To get better pictures, you need to know your camera - its strong points and limitations. One thing you will have to realise is that built-in flashes are not as strong as the external ones, and maybe you need to go closer to your subject. Its very easy to blame the poor camera (or the film, or the lab) for not-so-good pictures.
Do some reading on tips for taking better pictures (I have a few suggestions on another review).
Best wishes, and happy clicking!