This mobile is really value for money. It doesnt have gr8 looks of Moto Razer-V3i but yes it has really good feature set. If you dont give more weightage on looks but features, then it is an appropriate choice. Before buying X700 I did a research on all the phone in the range 8k-14k INR, with non-funky decent look. Earlier I had NOKIA-2300.
Here are the features which I was looking for:
Nice colors, Nice displays: The display is much better compared to Moto series.
FM: Most of the phones in this range dont have FM except nokia-7260/7360 (dont have bluetooth or funky looking), 6230i (screen too small), 3230 (not goot at holding it for a long time, camera quality not good) and sony ericsson walkman series (looks funky). But Sony ericsson 750i has even better sound quality :-)
Camera quality: I took picture/video from both razer v3i and x700 and uploaded on laptop. You can really make the difference in terms of clarity. Its really good in X700.
Bluetooth: Few mobiles in this range dont have bluetooth. I found this feature very useful.
Easy to use: I found it very easy to use. Sound reception is also really good. Much ahead from motorola mobiles here. Sony is also comparable.
It doesnt crashes like Nokia-2300, pretty stable.
i. Flash could have been included in it.
ii. It becomes a bit slow when you have large size external tflash.
iii. Battery life less compared to Nokia phones
iv. You can not have your incoming alert as both vibration and ringing at a time the feature which I find very useful. :-(
v. It does not support more than 64 songs in the playlist. :-(
I am attaching few snaps from my mobile.