Hloo friends, Today I am going to tell you about Samsung Z2 which comes with reasonable price .
Lets talk about its speciality : -
1.Most important is its price that is 4999.
2.Secondaly, it support 4g which enables you to buy jio 4g .
3.It is slim and stylish.
4.1.5 GHz quad core processor which is maximum at this price.
5.Camera is nice .
Now lets talk about negative points about this phone : -
1.It have a small screen size which is 4.00 inches only.
2.Pixels of phone are not the best which is 480* 800 .
3.1GB ram which makes your phone hang.
4.Battery is the main issue because as we know jio is consuming more battery but this phone comes with only 1500 mah battery which needs charge in 10 hours with jio.
5.This phone also get heated quickly .
So guys I will advise you not to buy this phone and advise you to add 1000 more and buy YU yuphoria .