My father bought this last year for Rs7000. And its a very bad device. Even though it looks good but its phones operating system that is letting this phone. I dont know why Samsung wants to run their own OS Tizen on this. Tizen is a very stupid software for any phone.== Its very slow and it doesnt have many apps. Also, Tizen OS is not a user so user-friendly ==. Whatever apps are there they are also very different and old version than in Android. Even app developers themselves are not updating apps in the store because very very few people have Tizen phones.
Lets say, for example, my father was using WhatsApp on this phone and later he bought another phone which was android and he just wanted to transfer his WhatsApp messages from Tizen to Android phone. Whatsapp on Tizen(Samsung Z3) was not having an option to create a backup but WhatsApp on Android phone was having the option to backup.
This shows that Tizen OS doesnt even have the latest version of apps on it or maybe app developers know that this Tizen is stupidly slow.
This phone also lags a lot. theres clear delay in response. You open any five apps at once in multitasking youll come to know. This software is not well optimised to take the best advantage of the hardware. Its similar case like Nokias Symbios OS thats why Nokia drowned. And Nokia is back using Android and see how much better they are doing.
Speaker is good, Camera and 1GB RAM is quite enough for a phone for this price. But the company is using such stupid flop software the even if you put 1.5 GB RAM phone will be a same stupid device.
Dont waste your money on it. You can easily get an Android phone nowadays which will be 10 times better than this.