In Oct 2009 I had a fall and when my right foot got inflammed I went to Sancheti hospital in Pune for treatment.This is supposed to be one of the most reputed orthopaedic hospitals in Pune but my experience was to the contrary.
When 3 x rays did not indicate anything they called for 2 additional x rays which indicated two hairline fractures at the toes.There was reddishness of the foot and the doctors declared it as cellulitis.After 4 days I was discharged with a slab on the leg and advised rest for a month.
Since I am a diabetic I have a regular monthly check up with my physician.One look at the leg and he wanted a MRI done.The MRI indicated multiple fractures and fragmentation of bones, a condition called charcot of the spite of showing this MRI to doctors at Sancheti I was cleared to walk after 5 weeks and resume duty.
After 2 months in Feb 2010 the leg got inflammed once again and I had to undergo surgery at a different hospital and have been confined to a wheelchair since then(i may get out of this at this month end).I have addressed an e mail to Dr Parag Sancheti asking the following questions for which he has said that he will investigate and reply
1.How is it that an ortho hospital was unable to diagnoise the complaint correctly
2.How is it that they cleared me to walk after 5 weeks when charcot patients are not allowed to put their foot down for a minimum of 3 months.
3.Why was I not recommended for special footwear in Dec which could have prevented my last 4 months of agony as well as surgery
Overall I found the treatment at Sancheti to be very poor.Drugs were administered without test doses and on the first day my body erupted in boils which took 7 days to clear.
The hospital is neat and clean and it stops there.I have had similar complaints about this hospital from many of my friends in Mumbai including doctors.