RULES FOR WATCHING SANDAKOZHI -------------------------------------------- 1.If you saw some interesting scenes of this movie on tv and decided to go for it(as in my case), i would recommend otherwise.the scenes you saw on tv are the only worth-watch sequences and the rest of the movie is a tiring fare. 2.If you havent scene anything of this movie on tv, you will do well to sit through the first half and come out of the cinema by interval.if you dare to sit in for the rest of the movie you do it at your own risk. Another case of a confused director, who developed a good plot(though not a new one), but didnt know how to go about it after half the shoot.its an usual Young and Dynamic and Brave and Powerful and....... all good things personified HERO Vs Evil and Cruel and Crooked and.....bad VILLAIN.the story begins in a college(Where the hero writes all is exams without ever reading his books).he then goes to his friends place.there he falls in love with the friends sister..then as usual comes across the ruthless and cruel villain.he single handedly mauls the villain in an unexpected(!) duel.what happens after this is the story(????)...mmm sounds all too familiar?well it is.the only saving grace is meera jasmines characterization.she comes across as a bubbly, mischieveous small town girl.all the seqeunces involving her evoke laughter.healthy humour-ghajini style.she proves her acting profess all too well.but unfortunately she comes only in the first half and after the interval is seen very rarely. the problem with the movie, as mentioned earlier is the second half.two many uninteresting action sequences give headache.lingusamy could have done better with his story.i would strongly recommend, you following the rules mentioned in the beginning of this review, if you got any idea of watching sandakozhi