Sandisk ultraSD memory card only name its self for introduction of this firstly I donot know the name of sandisk ultra but now a day its only dimanded for memory card one of my friend sak to me memory card for book online so I booked one of memory card but after say to my friend I booked and show the picture than my friend say to me cancel this than I said to him why than he say to me because you booked memory card only not sandisk ultrasd memory card than I said to my friend this is memory card na but my friend said to me yes but you did not book sandisk ultrasd memory card and friend say to I think you knw and book only sandisk ultrasd memory card because all are know very well about this and only use sandisk ultrasd memory card so and really friend its a branded company when you are using this than you can find advatages of this memory card also available 16gb, 32gb and 64gb no any problem will come that person who using sandisk ultrasd memory card is best memory card in this market more demanded.