I purchased the 32gb version . Its spacious and has great read speeds but the write speed is mediocre compared to my AmazonBasics 16gb microsd that gets 24MBps read and 22MBps write
Using a Transcend USB 3.0 card reader I get
On ATTO 45MBps read; 14 MBps write
and on CrystalMark 45MBps; 13 MBps write
The most important factor that I am concerned with is DOES IT WORK? Durability? User Friendly when you try to transfer data? Yes, the read and write is very important but there are more issues that will are detrimental.
TRANSCENDS have a reputation of NOT WORKING after a short while.
These cards should be close to indestructible if you care for them carefully and use them as planned.
Thanks for taking the time but there is MORE.