It was just a casual night ride and we decided to take a halt at this place. We ordered fish sizzlers and two cups of coffee, hazelnut and caramel. To start with sizzlers, it was the first time I had sizzlers and I am glad I had it from this restaurant. It was melting in my mouth, I love the way they presented and served too. Than we had coffee, it was not usual cup of coffee. I dont know what made it taste so good, I just loved it. I like everything about this place but to highlight few things other than good food, below are some points:
It is open 24*7, you can pay a visit anyday, anytime.
Good for family outings.
Spacious enough for small corporate/family gatherings.
Despite offering good food and service, it is pocket friendly.
Behavior of staff including the owner is too good.
Ample space for parking.