Sanjay babu!? kya haal hain. I think youre a worthless. You may have acted in munna bhai, as a funny guy, & in the second as a gandhian follower. Youre a great actor when it comes to gundhagari, & breaking laws and rules, & norms. Great now everyone likes you for it. I think you have shown how petty you are by getting married twice. One time wasnt enough to satisfy your love/sex ego? And what was getting married privately all about, without letting your parents know?
You have no consideration for your childrens/familys feelings, except your own bloody self. You cold worthless piece of sh*t. Your biceps and muscles & physical strength are meaningless when theres no value no responsibility, youre just like one of those powerful rakshas with muscle strength and little value. You deserve very little respect, or none actually. Theres an old saying, "with great power comes great responsibility", well, you seemed to have shunned it mate.