Sanjivani, What are the doctors doing in this serial? Killing each other? Conspiring against each other? I find nothing special about this serial or that being a medical - doctor oriented serial fulfills its meaning. Everything is same as in other serials. Lady Killers, Lady conspirators. Multi-angle love stories, bad relationships, broken families. Nothing new! which is not happening in other sob serials.
when this serial was started, there was touch of the medicine field. Now that gone and remaining crap. When these doctors are doing their duties? Are doctors these tense? This is distortion of a good profession and their personal life.
These TV serial producers, directors have taken a vow to explore and touch depth(not heights) of creativity.
Seems like star-plus has no better concept other than sob-conspire-love-sas-bahu-stories.
Let me tell you where the problem lies. Everybody wants to be a writer, producer, director all by himself or with immature team. Thats what is happening with Balaji and other such producers. They are not looking towards rich literature and best selling novels. They are cooking stories themselves. One mind has a pattern of thinking thats why you see repeated stories. For example, Bringing dead to life is repeated in every serial. It must have been patternised by one mind only. Sometimes, it seems director is eager to show dead back to life. just for the sake of TRPs. Not because you or other like it. Soon time would come when indian public would be fed up with these crap serials.
Sanjivani is victim of thoughtless creativity. It is repeating old stories again and again because creative team is not competent enough to think other than sob stories. Formula based sob stories are being sold to advertisers. If there is anything such as revenue model based on viewers. Or CAS is implemented, I am sure Star would realize that it can not do anything without going free-to-air. I am waiting eagerly for CAS to come to my home, I will not opt for Star plus-soni-Zee for sure.