The movie is a biographyof the Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt. The ranbir kappor is the actor playing the character of Sanjay Dutt. Dia mirza is playing role of his wife Manyata Dutt. Paresh rawal is playing the role of his dad Sunil Dutt. And Manisha koirala is playing the chartacter of his mother nargis Dutt.And vicky is playing the character of his best friend Kamlesh. The movie has been directed by rajkumar hirani. The movie is an inspiration for the people as the actor was able to quit drugs and continue his career. The movie is all about the sanjay dutt life. The movies shows despite of so much ups and down in his life he came out as a star. The movie is also breaking many records on the box office and it can be the best movie of the year. The Ranbir Kapoor has nailed his performance in the movie. The movie has also shown the dark sides pf social media. so at last I want to say that the movie is one of the best movie in Bollywood