Hello readers! Today I am going to give my reviews about film sanju. I was expecting madhuri dixit role or someother actress role.but the film is only about three people that is surender, sanjay dutt, vicky ( sanjus friend) and others have small roles in this film One man gave drugs to sanju.and then he got addicted to it.Thn he went america to get rid of this habit. In the second half of the film.sanjay dutts image is being cleared. according to me it is not a biography but a statement that one man gave him habbit of taking drugs by betrayel and he is no relation with bomb blast and media had wrongfully created the image of him.if there are 50 scenes then I can say that out of it 25 scenes are trying to create a good image of sanjay dutt.that is a good and didnt do anything wrong. one thing he did wrong was that he hurted his father but he loved his father very much. As usual raju hiranis direction is superb . It is an emotional film.if some other director did this then it would have become a comedy film.raju hirani handled it.last but not the least Ranbir kapoors acting was fantastic and even vicky koushals acting was good