Helloo frends.!
Sanju movie review.awsmmm movie.one man.many lives is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sanjay dutt.rajkumar hiranis film presentes a vivid and vert dramatic look in the biopic od sorts.the film starts off with sanjay dutt wanting a writer for his biography even while hes preparing to surrender himself to the supreme courts judgements in the arms act case.A filme writer dails him miserably so sanju turns to a more established writer winnir to prn his biography.his confessions and recollections to winniw are intimate and give us deep insights into the highs and lows of his life.which is nothing shorts of roller coaster ride.like any rajkumar hirani film.sanju buends humour withdrama effortleaaly.while it doent reveal mach about the protagonists relationships and marriages, it does tell a strong store of an unbreakable bond between a father, son and a best friends sunil dutt ( paresh rawal) forms the major parta of thr story and some of the most heart wrenching and touchinh moments in the film belong to both of them.frnds goo and watch thr film( sanju) .