Sanju story - Sanju explores ome of the most crucial characters from movie star sanjay dutts dramatic and controversial real life. it gives a lowdown on his tryst with drugs and his trials and tribulations in the arms acts case and the 1993 mumbai blasts.
Review - one man, many lives is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sanjay dutt. rajkumar haranis film presents a vivid and very dramatic look in the biopic of sorts. the film starts off with sanjay dutt ( ranbir kapoor) wanting a writer for his biography even while hes preparing to surrender himself in the arms act case.
ranbir kapoor is just good as his reputation. to state that hes an incredible actor who films sanjay dutts role with gravitas and spunk is stating the obvious. thats expected from a talented actor like ranbir. but what he does best in sanju is that he delivers the central character swag and nonchalance in the most effortless manner. whether hes dancing like a hysterical man, with bloodshot eyes under the influence of drugs or hes the broken, emotional wreck just staring blank, ranbir portrays a variety of emotions and grey shades with flair. hes the heart and soul of the film. one of the finest performances in the film comes from vickey kaushal. he stands tall and pulls off a superb act as ranbirs best friend who stands by him like a rock.
AR Raham, Rohan- Rohan and vikram montroses music sets mood right. songs like kar har maidan fateh and ruby ruby add to the experience of the film. the background score is top notch too. the drugs infused phase of sanjus life is the most impressive and it has been portrayed with the right amount of sensitivity. it has some fantastic visuals asd some crary emotions too.