Have been visiting this hospital from 2007. Overall OK type hospital. However their crowd management needs lot of improvement. You see this experience right from reception. Very crowded especially during Saturday. They give you a token, ask you to wait at lounge and see the display. When display appear and you go to the room, they ask you to wait till you are called by name. What is the purpose of display then? Second, some nurses have very feeble voice and they call you by name from the room number itself and don’t come to the lounge you are asked to sit. Even if you have healthy hearing, you might miss it and then you will wait forever. I have specifically complained on this to Mr. Manoj, unit head and have suggested him why don’t they implement a IVR call to cell phone to report to the room. I got to know there is already such system existing but seems sisters are not well educated on that. Overall lot of room for improvement in this area. Other problems I noticed..
Hygiene on administering drops, many times they don’t wear gloves nor they ensure drops outlet won’t touch eye lid.
Do not share records, not sure why. It’s patients right to get them.
More juniors. It’s like an IT company that runs with college pass outs mostly.
If they can turn around these, then it can become a descent hospital.