Here is my experience with Honda Service center located in Bangalore named Saphire Honda. I have been getting my Honda Unicorn serviced from this center for last 5+ years at regular interval of ~3-4 months. I have driven my bike for ~35000 KM. There was an accident with my vehicle and rear portion (wheel, chain, silencer) was replaced by another honda service center in Bangalore itself.
From then onwards I felt my bike was not as it was earlier, there was little difficulty in driving, sometimes vibration were felt, mostly in front portion of bike.
I complained about this issue to service center, they did something, and it worked, whoaaaa. Next one week of driving was again back to normal and no issues were seen.
One week gone and issue is back again, front vibration, balance not proper, drive chain lessening once and again every week. I was back to where it all started. Waited for another 3 months before getting my bike serviced. Same complain, same follow up and same result one week later.
It was irritating, but somehow I managed to calm myself thinking next time it will be serviced properly. It went till one and half year and ~6 servicing and the results were same almost every time. I wonder how they can be so consistent. Its wonderful. This time I was really frustrated and thought of selling my bike and before that I wanted to make sure Honda is known of this issue. I complained to Honda directly and next day received a call from service center. Looks like they were screwed up properly and were in hurry to close this issue. As usual I was making myself calm and was in no hurry to get it closed.
Honda gave a deadline of 72 hours to close this issue to service center. And manager requested me to provide them vehicle as soon as I am able to. I gave them vehicle. This time servicing took ~5 days to compete. Everything was inspected properly and manager himself did all these. Drive chain was replaced. Front portion (shock absorber) was sent for alignment correction (as I was told) to some 3rd party vendor who were expert in this. And I got my vehicle back after a week. I was under impression that man, I did it this time and now everything will be fine with vehicle.
And great news was service center was consistent as they were earlier. Not sure if front portion was straightened, but for sure rear wheel was misaligned a little bit to match front portion. I remember I had seen some buses running in city whose wheels are not aligned and when they seem they are going left/right they will drive straight. The same situation was with my bike. Still I feel if my bike will go left while it runs straight. :-)
Recently due to this shape my drive chain broke out and I had to give my vehicle to some local mechanic to realign rear wheel. Somehow my engineering helped my calculating correct alignment to minimize this dancing of my vehicle and its working fine now.
A month back was the time I got my serviced for last time @ saphire honda and now I see that some screw is left loose gear box and its creating some weird sound when engine is running. Although Honda engine is one of best in its segment, but due to their excellent service quality I will recommend people going for any other vehicle except Honda in Bangalore.