Well - this is one place you must clearly avoid if you really value your time coz this store certanly does not!!
From the moment you enter your store, the processes in the store only slows you down.
You need to surrender your items to the floor security guard everytime you shift floors!!! you could end up with well over 20 tokens if you decide to move up and down.
The shopping basket measures 12"X6"!!
None of their staff are trained to be people-friendly.
they have no clue of the books they have and show no interest in the needs of the customer.you go figure is the look they sport...
if you have to get your stuff billed, you need to go thru 2-3 counters before getting to the final delivery section.
the billing application is written in COBOL from the 1970s and it crawls to retrieve a single record.
Systems go down frequently and nobody bothers telling the customer about what is going on - you are simply expected to shut-up and queue up.
you have to patiently wait in the queue for 30-45 mins just in case COBOL/UPS(not sure if they have one) misbehaves!!!
All in all - you can go to this store if you want to relive the 70s era!!
Try Odyssey instead which is only a few feet away from SBH, on 100ft road. Very Classy and a very relaxing experience and yes, very 2010!!