Hello guys, today I am going to give my views on the latest trend going on, which is destroying all the things coming in its path on the social media.
You may have noticed on your walls, timelines that there is a link(different of different profiles) which has just ruled your wall, and you may be thinking that what is this. It is the newest trend in the world named Sarahah, about which we are going to disscuss.
So, lets start,
Concept: The concept behind the app is quite simple and straight forward, no rocket science. Concept is that, any body who have a profile on sarahah can share the link of their profile on any platform and anybody using that link can message the person without his/her name being displayed. The official site says that motto behind the app is to strengthen the friendship, and a way by which you can get to know about your strength and weaknesses.
Layout & Design: The site as well as the app have very simple user interface, everything is very simple, without any complication. Basically the design is based on two colors white and cyan. A user may not suffer with any problems while dealing with the site or the app.
Features/Functions: The main feature of the app is that you can share your profile on various platforms like social media and all, and people who want to say something to you but cant say it to you on your face, they can use the link to message you without getting their name displayed or told to you.
Usefulness: As we know that every single thing in this world has a positive and a negative side. So same happens with Sarahah, this can be used in order to tell anybody that the thing you are doing is wrong, you need to improve yourself in particular thing but as we all knowthe negative side too, recently their had been some cases of death threats and harassment.
So, according to me this is another one to avoid.
Thats all from my side.
Hopeyou like it.