This college has the best academics, facilities are up to the mark, activities other than studies are given due importance. Placement has improved a lot in these years. Infrastructure is also good, teachers are very helping.
Saraswati college of engineering is an Engineering college located at Kharghar sector 5 . It is 2kms far from Kharghar station . It offers Civil, mechanical, IT, computer, EXTC and Automobile Engineering courses . It also has a bus facilities for the students to pick up students from the Kharghar station. It has a good professional professor with a maximum of 30 years of experience. It has a well equipped laboratory for a every section with an expert laboratory assistances . It also has a club house with carrom, table tennis amd also has an average gym with good equipment . Ita also has a big canteen with a good hygiene food which only offers a pure veg foods. It has a festival called NAKSHATRA which is held during February for a whole week . Its an average college.