Welcome to Saravana Stores
At heart of Chennai city(T Nagar!) you can visit a shop of your dreams(nightmare?). la la saravana stores.la la . A one shop place where you can get what you want cheaper and with variety and also meet all kind of people at Chennai young, old, strong, weak and freaks too.
If your are feeling lonely and yearning for company why not visit saravana stores??). la la saravana stores.la la
8 TIPS for buying a ‘dress’ at saravana stores(this tips can be modified for buying chair, slipper, toy, jewel…etc…),
First - After your decision to buy-> hide your purse/card/whatever. properly and dont forget where you have hidden it and each five minute touch and see whether it is there.
Second - Enter ranganathan street .crowd/mob there will take, push, pull.etc and take you inside the shop.
Third - Unless your will power/ physical stamina / strength / voice/ motivation is not strong, you can enter all the floors(more than 4 floors) along with the crowd and glimpse/cruise around.
Fourth - If you want to buy thatdress desperately at saravana stores go into that section and yell in general that this is the place you want to stop and request all around you to be kind(this trick will definitely work)
Fifth - Glide along with the crowd to have a closer view of the dresses you want to buy.(Important: never pick a dress for yourself, if you do definitely it will be grabbed by others.)
Sixth- Always try to grab the dress others are holding and shout loudly that it was you who was holding the dress before(be sure that some of them will join you for support) if you are lucky you might get that dress or try the same strategy with another dress.
Seven - Never talk to the helpers(shop assistant) there, as they will kill you with their how dare you ask me and never ask me again kind of stare.
Eight - After picking the dress(and making your dress and appearance a mess) glide along with crowd to the billing section and pay for it.
All this activity will exhaust you and might take minimum six hours.
WARNING: People with weak heart never go to Saravan Stores. la la saravana stores.la la
Final word of caution-> while trying to come out of saravana store be careful which crowd you mix up with(with the wrong crowd you might have to visit all the floors once again inspite of your yelling and shouting)
awaiting your comments.