Tv show organisers /director/ sponsors are only interested how to earn money out of this show...
They hardly care about the singers/ singing talent ..their sentiments etc...
Yes I agree with you , Alka Have always rated Sanchita lower than Sameer n all , inspite of knowing very well she( Sanchita ) is far ...far ..FAR ahead of Sameer in terms of talent...
I doubt , Alka is scared if Sanchita wins can take her playback position in the industry very soon , as Sanchita sounds quite well matured and can easily fit into it , annd offcourse with more training and well guidance from the music directors, taht day does not seem so far.
Imagine last week atleat 30 lakhs votes were recd thru total earned by the mobile network companies = 30 X Rs 2 / per sms ( atleast )= Rs 60 lace only last week.
Just think twice.. only we indian emotional fools , encouring sms voting patterns and wasting money ....and knowing very well winners are NOT actual best singers .