Sarkar ----> Government
Government ----> Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy ----> Red Tapism
Red Tapism ----> Controls
Controls ----> Bureaucrats
Bureaucrats ----> Influence
Influence ----> Politicians
Politicians ----> Politics
Politics ----> Power
Power ----> Wasted Interest
Wasted Interest ----> Delay in Justice
Delay in Justice ----> Justice Denied
Justice Denied ----> Police
Police <------ Wasted Interest
Wasted Interest <------ Power
POWER <-------> SARKAR
For many reasons that are obvious, Sarkar struck a chord with a Mumbaikar in me, an Indian in me !
The weird graffitti above with odd arrows contains two sarkars. It starts with one Sarkar, the Sarkar that is called as for the people, of the people and by the people i.e. the elected representatives of the people. Whereas the one Sarkar who puts an end to the weird graffitti has a strong resemblance to the first Sarkar. He is also of the people, for the people and by te people.
Subhash Nagre (Amitabh Bachchan) is the second Sarkar who is a messiah of the people who helps them out of their grievances when the system of first Sarkar fails to take congnizance of their pains and myseries infliced by the baddies and the system. Not surprisingly, Subhash Nagre has a team of very faithful people who make his Sarkar work, a few people think them as Gundas.
Subhash Nagre is a part of the system that has failed to give justice to the people who are sufferers because of such failure. The system that is plaqued by junta of people like Politicians (CM played by Deepak Shirke), Rathod (Defector from Sarkar) and Rashid (A Dubai gangster want to smuggle and make money), Swami (Someoen said Chandraswami.huh !).
Any attempt to make the system work will definitely be killed by this junta even if Sarkar vows to make it run.
Meanwhile, Sarkar is blessed with a family containing his two sons (Played by Abhishek And Kay Kay), wife (Supriya Pathak), daughter-in-law, grandkid, avanti (Tanisha) and her mother.
The junta plans a conspiracy against Sarkar and the fight back of Sarkar and his family is all the movie....The Sarkar lives on !
Fire and ice : This movie is all about a weird combination of Fire and ICE.
Fire : This movie, a little short of three hours is a songless movie without any comic sequence (Except a tamilian laughing out his nostrils and that too if u think he is a comic character). Fast paced happenings that dont give any chance to the viewer to think ahead of the movie is all fired up by the racy background score.
Sarkars Govinda Govinda gives it a typical mumbai touch.
There is a fire when AB looks with aura of Sarkar at Rashid...
There is a fire when Abhishek sets the revenge in top gear...
There is a fire when Sarkars wafadar chandar and secretary showe their loyalty to Sarkar in every single frame...
There is a fire in Rashide eyes ...
There is a fire called Katrina kaif ...
There is a fire in Kay Kays eyes too...
There is a fire in me to write the review ...
Ice : The movie certainly sends chillers down the spine with the fast paced events...
The movie is cool when it comes to one more brilliant performance from 2 bachchans
The movie is cool when it comes to depiction of cold blooded politics and criminal nexus
The movie is cool when it still shows in a minute how true love stands among all odds
The movie is cool when it makes me hold my breath at Abhisheks emergence...
Need I say the Director, Ramgopal Verma is great !
Sarkar is all about creating a system parallel to the governments system that has failed to give justice to the poor people.
There is a Sarkar in you, there is a Sarkar in me !
There is no right, no wrong ! Only Power and Power is Sarkar !