Here is a movie that, after long, gives you entertainment worth the money spent. The director Venkat Prabhu had cast his brand name in his very first film Chennai 600028 and so there was much hype and expectation on his next venture. Not surprisingly he has managed to carry it off well.
The plot itself is something new to Tamil Cinema but familiar otherwise. The cast of main characters is good and they seem to be used well by the director. The Wedding song seems to be inspired by Om Shaanti Om but is nice anyways. Most of the cast from Ch28 seem to figure in this too but some have been used for namesake, like those during the Traffic Jam scenes. During the chase sequences, sometimes you get the feeling of disappointment as logic seems to elude the scenes just as any other tamil masala movie.
Premjis presence satisfies the comedy requirements of the movie. Although it is situational and practical comedy, it makes you laugh more than the usual ones do, and more importantly at the right moments, when the situation is serious. None of the songs appear misplaced or unnecessary as they are well placed and well spaced.
Prakash Rajs side of storyline sometimes reminds you of Anjathe sometimes but that is essential for the plot. The flash back and the profiles of the 4 Cops at the end seem to lack something. Maybe they are not rightly placed or dont give a clear picture. The stunts are very practical and hence totally believable. Glad to find the regular larger-than-life and gravity-defying stunts missing. Yuvans music is another reason to draw the crowds to the movie and their editing and visualizations are equaly good.
Like the reviews title suggests, Saroja does deliver the goods to the audience.