Pathetic standards- never expected this from such a hospital
1) No care for kids in NICU- For my baby, suffering from jaundice, feeds were delayed by upto 5 hrs thus further risking the kids health. We decided to get the kid shifted to some other hospital in the middle of the night
2) High priority given to VIPs who may break all rules & enter NICU without even removing shoes thus casing infections to kids in NICU. My kid was shifted 4 times onto different beds in 3 days in highly infection prone NICU area thus leading to further infections.
3) My kid who had jaundice was not given double surface photo therapy for 8-10 hrs, since a VIPs kid(in this case another doctors child) who had already been discharged, was taking preventive photo therapy
4)The bouncers in the hospital will prevent you from seeing you own new Borns & this is how the staff takes care of the kids- by keeping them hungry for 5 hrs, denying healthcare services for upto 10 hrs, causing infections & further aggravating the condition for the patients.
4) I have been unnecessarily charged even for services not provided by the hospital. The staff & doctors take no interest in patients & are just sitting here to mint money & fool patients not to provide quality healthcare services
Beware- Not recommended!