UUsually I hate all the daily soap but I hate this serial the most "sasural simar ka" the serial is just a crap. It has nothing* no story, no plot nothing.
Earlier this serial was bad but day by day its getting worst. It has no theme. There are mantras(spells) in this serial more than dialogues. For every situation there is a spell ready. Even a priest does not know the spells that this serial has got. The characters of this serial are not so interesting they are so boring.
The characters can even forget to say their dialouges but one they never forget to say is "jai mata di ". Whenever any member of the Bhardwaj gets I any kind of problem, they say jai mata di and they manage to get rid off their problems.
This is the most irritating part of this serial. I also believe in god but not in the way that this serial shows us. This serial shows us the thing which is impossible or never gonna happen. The serial do only one thing - making people fools. Now a days they have included a witch in the serial and before that there was a naagin. I dont know what the hell is happening in this serial. I think the serials name should be "sasural baharwaalo