Dear friends on Mouth shut?
This is my second review on Body care products. I am sure you all believe that this review is purely on my experience i.e. more than six years long use of this product.
PRODUCT- this is Hair shampoo for family
Brief account of this product is as follows:-
Manufacturer: M/S NAISA, DAMAN
This is available from AMWAY network marketing channel only. The product is generally not available on shelves of the shops as a rule of AMWAY marketing system. There are many AMWAY network channel associates in every city of India.
Technical particulars
COLOR Beautiful shade of Ash Blue, transparent clear like crystal glass.
CONSISTENCY Viscous but free flowing feels like Satin in the palms
ODOR The right word is scent. The scent is natural floral with no intense unnatural odors and I am sure every body will like it.
SHELF LIFE More than two years w/o altering the intended properties.
PACKING 250 ml & 5 ml soft carry pack
Our Family experience with Satanique
I have been using it for last five years plus including my whole family. The liquid is consistent and concentrate. The daily consumption of liquid for an averagely dirty hair head is only two to three drops.
Hi?. is it not surprising. One fact that is more surprising is that this product is made not to give show of heavy lather as other available shampoos give. The hairs cleaning with this makes it easy to go fast because you do not wait to get lather and later wait to remove. Also good for metros where water is a scarce resource because hairs will need really less water. That is why the drain does not choke which generally happen with any other branded shampoos. Graying of hair is not all seen while we used it accept which happened naturally as my age advanced from 36 yrs to 42 yrs now. I got my first white hair at the age of forty; I think it is not a bad account these days.
I work with a thermal power plant, which uses coal as fuel. All over the head many time I get Ash as well as pulverized coal but This shampoo helps me nicely with out changing the natural conditioning of hair it means it quite balanced by way of PH. (Here I would request AFRANK to comment because she is PhD in chemistry)
Once you use this shampoo, you do not need conditioners.
You save the money by avoiding expensive conditioners unlike all most all other branded do recommend using after conditioners.
It makes the scalp cleaner that one feels and removes dryness because it consists of natural moisturizers too.
No effect if it goes to stomach by mistake.
Approximately 325/= for 250 ml. Yes I know one can get a shock of life as it looks a very heavy price. However, there is clue ?The cost per use is almost negligible you are using hardly three to four drops and that too less number of times means the length of use runs in many months. Believe me it is actually inexpensive compared to any market brand. It is available in dispenser packing as well as soft carry 5 ml packs.
Amway brings out many bonuses with many of its products which one gets through their network-marketing dealer. The technical bonus is that one is using environmental friendly product in a reusable dispenser with a natural fragrance and no external scent of any kind. It keeps hair shine detangled for longer duration of days.