Chennai the metro capital was famous for lot of things.a few years back devi theatre complex was famous for good foreign movies where people rush to that theatre to see their favourite hollywood stars.but the management didnt upgrade the theatre to the current taste of the people.for example black tickets were sold eventhough a movie crosses fifty days and the disicpline of the staffs and other people made the people not to come here.then came the new era by satyam theatre complex with five theatres{sixth one is coming soon}.also they were the people to introduce each movie for each show which was well appreciated by the people who wish to see their favourite versions{tamil, english, telugu etc}.also the eradication of black tickets with well disiciplined staffs makes people especially the youth to crowd there.since they are showing each movie for a show{sometimes two} almost 75%of new films are released here making people to choose their doesnot surprise people since they are getting directly from the counter{getting a black ticket in devi costs same for bug bites, bad smell and poor seats}where the comfort is gained.after this abirami theatre is upgrading themselves now and why cant devi.this is a period where vcds play a major role and if a person going to devi experience himself for black ticket definitely he moves to purchase a vcd{costs rs.75 after 10 days of a released movie} and can go for rent the cine producers should blame the theatres for poor collections