I saw this app in playstore and thought that this may be real app for earning some cryptocurrency but I was wrong because when I installed this app , first thing that I saw in this app is an advertisement so I cut the advertisement and continue.When I reached at home page of this app there was an timer and when timer reaches at 0 it gives you about 10-30 sathoshi.
Yes you heard right 10-30 sathoshi which means 0.000000001 BTC.
And because of this app my battery is draining so fast and it also show you so many advertisement , minimum 3 ads in a minute.
And even if you earn that much amount in which you are eligible to withdraw from this app , This app doesnt gonna give you a single satoshi.
So I want to tell you that please dont download this app.
Stay away from these type of apps and save your phone from any problem.
Thank You.