23 Km from Nainital and about 1370m above sea level, thisplace, still untouched by concrete revolution, is an ideal getaway forthose who seek non-commercial adventure.
Dr Stanley Jones(1884-1973), the evangelist and missionary took the Indian ashram conceptto Christian religion and established first Christian Ashram at Sat Talin 1930. The ashram is not on tourist map, but those who have beenthere tell that the place is ideal for connecting to GOD, meditationand relaxation.
Which prompted me to visit the ashram, and the experience was too good.
Being anature lover, I admired every aspect of my two days stay inthe hills.The lakes are still pristine, though commercial activityis slowly gaining momentum. The areas opened for tourists compriseof three interconnected lakes (locally known as ram-seeta-laxmantal), and nal-damyanti lake. The Panna lake is inside the ashram. These, along with the Bhimtal and Naukuchiatal form the Sat Tal cluster ofseven lakes.By the way, Sat, in local numeral system means seven, andtal is hindi equivalent for lake.
Fishing is not allowed, boatingis. If you happen to manage to stay a night in that area and power goesoff, the only light is from stars and fireflies, the only sound is soundof wild, all that discovery channel stuff, LIVE. If you happen towitness rains, you can see clouds traversing hills and descending inlakes.
I recommend Sat Tal for a weekend getaway in summers. Theplace is not as commercial as Nainital. Temperatures are moderate. Ifyou are lucky enough, you can witness flying cats, deers and even aleopard !!