This letter, which I sent to the authorities at Saturday Club, should say it all. Needless to say, I never got a reply. >
A friend of mine from abroad stayed at your Club on the 24th February. As he was not feeling well, he requested the person at reception for a doctor and was informed that they had a doctor among the staff and he would attend to my friend as soon as he finished his game of badminton. Soon, "Dr." B.D.Agarwal, "FRCS", visited my friend in his room, without any basic instruments(stethoscope, pressure monitor).
He did not examine the patient at all, wrote out a prescription on club stationery, charged Rs.2000.00 for three minutes "work", and left. The strength of the antibiotic prescribed did not exist, and the strength of the second medicine was not mentioned. The "doctor" had left his cell number but all attempts to contact him were fruitless. This friend of mine visited Calcutta after 28 years and he was conned by an alleged doctor, and staff of your Club, on the very first day of his arrival. We have imported the Club culture from the West. I will not sermonise on how to run a Club, and I need not waste words on the utterly disgusting nature of the episode; I think you will understand.