Here in hyderabad.
The systems are damn slow.
The configuration may be p2 or p3 systems with 128 ram.
Which will completely put limitations on browsing n other things.
Sify should implement a rule regarding the system configurations
And in some sify centers the keyboards are so much used that the keys become worst and takes lots of energy to type.
And the mouse used are old ball mouses .... y cant the sify centers cannot have optical mouse .... becas other internet centers are providing optical mouse, smooth keyboard, p3 or p4 systems with 256 ram and headphones etc etc with just a cost of RS 10 ................ but sify is costing much but service is waste.
Also the global settings in all sify centers sometimes put lots of limitations ........ I think it has been implemented by using GP and AD in Win 2k or win 2k3 environment.
Sify has to change the quality of systems in centers................